We create bespoke moving image for businesses and organisations looking to tell their story. If you're looking to use film to capture your identity as a brand, as part of an online campaign, or as coverage of an event you've held, we will help put your message out there. Whether you already have an idea you want to develop or simply just an end goal in mind, we can get involved from any stage in the creative process.


Our home is the east of England but we continue to work across the country. We pride ourselves in our flexibility – we're interested in what we can make for you on your budget and timescale. Our clients range from national organisations and companies with household names, through to boutique businesses, colleges, museums, and independent festivals.

Harry Elvin
Beard: NONE


Harry graduated from Norwich University of the Arts with a 1st class BA honours in Film and Moving Image Production. His favourite part of the film-making process is being out on location in the midst of it all, problem solving on the spot and perfecting the shot.


Harry's second love is music. A guitarist and performer for ten years, he always gets the whole car singing on the way to a shoot, or the office rockin' to his questionable playlists.


When not out shooting, Harry can be found prepping or packing away equipment - early signals for the development of his OCD.

Chris Elmer



Chris graduated from the University of Leeds in 2015 with a 1st Class BA Honours in Cinema & Photography. He holds a keen interest in film theory and history, and, during his time at university, built a candle-lit shrine to Audrey Hepburn in his room, free to visitors.


His favourite part of making a film is the very beginning: when the idea of the film is in its seedling form. Here is when Chris can exercise his creativity and understanding to shape the film into a client’s needs.


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